Western Carolina University

Contact Information:

Jill Thompson
Associate Director
Western Carolina University
Professional Growth and Enrichment
1 University Way
Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723
United States

Course Information:

Management and Leadership of the Nonprofit Sector
You will learn about the history, scope and impact of organizations that can be classified as nonprofit in the United States, the defining characteristics of this important sector of organizations, the similarities and differences of organizations across the for-profit, public and nonprofit sectors, and the role of the nonprofit organization's mission. Finally, you will take a look at career options in the thriving nonprofit sector and how you can make a living while making a difference.
Nonprofit Marketing and Communications
Nonprofit organizations face unique challenges related to marketing including reduced staff, strategies that target both stakeholders and customers, securing new funding and trying to maintain a mission-first approach. Participants will learn about a variety of marketing approaches, will discuss current trends, review the importance of the organizational vision, and will look at all the challenges related to nonprofit marketing. Trends can range from marketing geared towards specific generations, to technological advances and which social media network is hip at the time, so it's important to be aware of the changes and how to incorporate them into a marketing plan. For participants registering for the full course rather than just the one-day workshop, you will continue to go deeper with developing strategies for marketing and communicating with customers, volunteers, donors and your clients. You will learn about data collection, communication, and community relations throughout the 4-week program.
Nonprofit Budgeting and Financial Management
During this workshop, participants will learn about the foundational concepts for understanding nonprofit organization financial management including a comparison of nonprofit and for-profit corporation characteristics and financial models, and the fundamental relationship between organization mission and revenue generation. You will learn why it's important for nonprofits to manage two bottom lines – the mission and the money.
Fundraising for Nonprofits
This one-day workshop can be taken as part of the kick-off for the Fundraising for Nonprofits CNP course, or as a stand-alone workshop for professional development. Price will vary depending on registration type. Participants will learn about the structure and responsibilities of the development function within nonprofit organizations.
Governance and Volunteer Management
In this workshop you will learn about roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit board and its committees and differentiation between management and leadership across the nonprofit organization including: Providing strategic direction, and ensuring adequate resources and oversight Identifying critical relationship between effective governance and organizational effectiveness How boards roles and responsibilities relate to organizational stability, sustainability and success Articulating the ways in which effective board governance equates to organizational success by creating mission orientation and resource development and transparency Documenting board member job descriptions, board member agreements and committee expectations for a real or fictitious nonprofit organization Differentiating between management and leadership across the nonprofit organization
Designing Nonprofits for Long-term Sustainability
In this workshop, participants will learn about the importance of needs assessment, asset identification and other research findings that identify authentic community need: Define needs assessment, asset identification, and other research findings that identify authentic community need. Discover the needs of the community and contrast with the pre-existing community assets. Solicit community voice
Nonprofit Trends and Innovations
CNP participants will complete an additional four weeks of on-line curriculum. For those attending the workshop only, a certificate of completion will be awarded at the end of the day. This hybrid CNP course highlights the dynamic nature of the nonprofit sector, the importance of continuous improvement, emerging trends and innovations and the critical role research plays in shaping best practices. For course objectives, please email Jill Thompson at This workshop is the kick-off for the CNP course, but has also been designed for participants to attend for just the day to help improve their overall management skills within the nonprofit sector. In the one-day workshop participants will learn to recognize the importance of applying scientific methods in the development, design, implementation, and evaluation of nonprofit programs. They will also be able to identify external factors that impact nonprofit organizations and sector in terms of operations and decision-making.

Program Information:

Community and Alumni Engagement
Professional Development Programs



Degree and Certificate Information


English Correspondence
SubjectCredit HoursWorking
Certified Nonprofit Professional
12 Months

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

Western Carolina University offers nonprofit professionals flexibility in completing this program. Participants can attend any of the workshops for a reasonable rate of $89 to gain management and leadership experience in the industry. Or, you can enroll in any of the CNP courses at any time. You can decide to try a course for $300 by attending the workshop and the 4-weeks of online curriculum that follows, or you can enroll in more than one course. If you decide to enroll in the entire program, then you’ll pay the full tuition of $2,525 at the time of registration. Should you decide after taking the first course that you’d like to enroll in the full program, then we’ll deduct the $300 payment from the full tuition. For more information on program requirements, program benefits and fees, please review the information listed below the upcoming courses. Courses are offered once per year starting in September. If you miss a course and register mid-cycle, you can enroll in any of the missed courses the following year.


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